Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MS team building day

MS team building day was lots of fun. I thought my team worked really well on the first activity. On the first activity we had to start at a set place and then try to get to a was another place. The only catch was that we were walking on wires and so was everyone else. It was really hard because the only thing that was holding you up was a small rope. We did really well on this because we worked together.

I don't think that we did as well on the second activity because two people in our group were on a sugar rush or something like that because they started to act crazy. Our instructer said that the second activity we did called "zig zag" was one of the hardest challenges. I don't believe him though because I looked at it and it took me about 10 seconds to figure out how to do it. We did end up finishing it but it took us a while. If we had to do it again it could probably finish it quicker.

I thought overall our day was lots of fun! I didn't like the drum circle as much as the rest of the day because I like running around and I found that the drum circle was really claustrophopic. I also enjoyed the day beacause it was like a day off. We took a break and got to do activities with each other. It was really fun!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed the day Liam! This is a good post and summary of your experience. Did you use the idea you figured out in 10 seconds for the Zig Zag challenge? Did it work just as you planned or did you have to change it as you went along? The teachers did the same challenge and we had to do a little modifying of the original plan as we worked through it - perhaps not as easy as we may have initially thought.
